Planning saves time and money, and often large amounts of both. All operators of the radio spectrum are passionate about efficiency – getting the maximum return for the minimum outlay. Planning a network with the smallest amount of base stations needed to meet service requirements is the way to do that, whether the network is local, regional or national.

Modeling prevents a question from becoming a problem. A question may be whether a proposed new service can be slotted into a spectrum space without causing interference. Modelling can produce an answer before anybody has suffered any consequences.

ADupars provide a turnkey AFP services for any kind of network (2G/3G/HSDPA/WiMAX/4G/WIFI/Broadcast/PMR/MW networks).

Our AFP module is being used by a large number of operators worldwide for all types of networks. This module is based on sophisticated optimization techniques (automatic frequency planning and optimization of TRX allocation vs. interference conditions) and specific advanced features such as the allocation of frequency hopping parameters, intermodulation product, multi layers analysis, inter system interference, neighbor list, user-definable constraints. The capabilities of this module allows to perform successful automatic frequency plan even in worst situation in very dense urban area. adupars have a long experience of this kind of optimization and recently Vietnam Mobile chose adupars mobile network optimization solution in order to perform the AFP of their 2G/3G network in Hanoi (991 DCS and 2334 GSM cells with at least 4 TRX/cells, 5664 3G cells 2 carriers), PKP Poland choosed adupars for the GSM-R radioplanning (ETCS and Non-ETCS): 7 000 km railways.

The propagation models used by our tool allow to perform coverage with high level of accuracy with or without our automatic digital map tunning module. The calibration stage can be done to improve the final AFP result (if drive test measurement files are available).

Some examples of services provided by adupars:

Optimizations via a set of ACP (Automatic cell planning) and Automatic Optimization tools allowing operators to perform the following optimization:
- Antenna azimuth optimizing (in order to improve existing coverage according to specific target coverage)
- Antenna tilt optimizing (in order to improve existing coverage and/or reduce interference issues)
- Antenna model selection (in order to improve existing coverage and/or reduce interference issues)
- Antenna height optimizing (in order to improve existing coverage and/or reduce interference issues)
- Best equipment selection (Huawei, NSN, Ericsson...)
- New sites or sector adding with Before & After coverage plots
- Repeaters or new sites in order to resolve (outdoor/indoor) coverage or traffic issues
- New network configuration in order to minimize the field strength risk exposure
- Power optimizing
- BSIC, scrambling code , neighbor list planning (in order to avoid risks of HO failures due to missing neighbor)

Drive test measurement:
- Calibrate and perform drive test measurement, spectrum analysis and FS measurements
- Collect of data (layer 3 messages) and analysis of the inconsistencies
- Providing useful recommendations to correct the inconsistencies (Drop Call due to Low Signal Strength, Missing Neighbor, Bad RX Quality, Not–happening Handover, Interference, Radio Failures, radio Failures on old Channel in HO, Transcoder Failures….)
Benchmarking (various KPI) analysis :
- Accessibility (Call set-up success rate)
- Retainability (Dropped calls)
- Mobility (Handover success rate)
- Integrity (BLER and throughput)

Planning begins with clearly understanding the user requirement. A user requirement shows what service the user expects in time, space and service. In space, the requirement defines precisely which geographic areas are to be covered; in service, the specification may define the call types to be supported, the service for packet transmission or the data throughput; and, in time defines the way the user expects the network to evolve.

Planning progresses by expressing the user requirement electronically in a planning tool then applying selected infrastructure. The specification normally includes performance parameters such as path availability, confidence in achieving a particular connectivity, limits to intra-network interference for given spectrum blocks and the like. At any stage the plan can be compared with the requirement.
Once a satisfactory plan has been developed on-screen, it can be exported to allow infrastructure to be costed, revenue determined and metrics developed to show return on investment. adupars offers a unique service – the automatic planning of networks using a goal-seek algorithm. This means that large networks can be defined and costed in days.


Modeling is an activity that fits within the family of methodologies often referred to as the scientific method of enquiry. This method requires the statement of a research question. Evidence is then gathered and a conclusion is reached. Alternatively, the evidence may permit a hypothesis to be put forward for further investigation.

So how does modelling help? Consider a question on spectrum coexistence: to what extent can application-specific, licence-exempt devices satisfactorily share with licensed WiMAX networks in the urban environment? This can be answered by outlining the representative networks in a modelling tool, developing scenarios for the operation of the various devices and determining the degree of interference between the devices and networks. From this an answer to the research question can be reasoned.

Consider another question: how many sites are needed for national coverage given two different spectrum block sizes and two different network deployment strategies? This can be answered by auto-planning a series of networks. Curves are drawn for coverage versus site count for a variety of traffic loading. This is repeated for different block sizes, resulting in a series of curves. From this, the number of sites needed for coverage can be determined.

Modeling is a powerful way of revealing evidence to support, or refute, research questions. Tell us your question and we’ll give you the answer.

    • Technical specifications
    • Requirement modeling
    • Equipment and technology
    • Service Integration
    • Turnkey planning
    • Optimization
    • Audit
    • Training
    • Hot line support
    • Propagation models
    • Cloud integration
    • Consulting
    • Measurements
    • Site survey
    • Database integration and migration
    • ICS designer: radio network planning and analysis from 10kHz to 450 GHz. The most complete radioplanning software that exists on the market
    • ICS LT is designed to simulate the coverage of all types of radio networks, perform population analysis, coverage analysis and Microwave link path budget.
    • Antios: antenna design in Full 3D.

LTE design:
LTE Guidelines in ICS Designer v1.3


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  استعلام اصالت مدرک آموزشی

 ثبت نام کار آموزی سال 1400

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 واحد آموزش مخابرات و بیسیم آدپارس  در سال 1384 تاسـ ...

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